FAQ – Why were you disqualified to run for the Conservative Party?

Like millions of Canadians, I believe there must be a better way to protect our society’s most vulnerable versus infringing upon the rights and limiting the freedoms of otherwise healthy people.

I felt very passionately that the Conservative Party needed to take a strong stance to support Canadians’ constitutional freedoms and oppose vaccine passports. With a fourth wave of the pandemic threatening vote-rich battleground ridings in the country however (example, the Greater Toronto Area), it is a controversial issue and not one the party was initially willing to take a stand for. I was asked if I would change my position and was unable to compromise my beliefs, and for that I was told I would no longer be the candidate. This, despite being formally approved as the candidate in mid-July with the Conservative Party knowing full and well my position.

However, the day following the election call, after having “ducked questions for nearly a week” from supporters, the media and voters across the country, the party articulated its position, but not until after my removal. You can read my news release about it here, listen to a radio interview here, or watch a video interview here.